Buy Jules Breton superb reproductions hand-painted on canvas with oil painting, rivaling with the master quality. Choose between dozens of artwork.
We give special attention to your paintings on canvas to make sure it will be exceptional. Our beautiful reproductions of Jules Breton artworks are of the best quality money can buy, and are works of art that you will be able to keep for ages to come.
Our philosophy is to focus on a strict follow-up of the art processing to ensure your satisfaction. We aim to increase our customer base and maintain customer loyalty through confidence in our products and a continued high quality of service.
Hand-painted copy of Jules Breton Self-portrait oil painting, reproduction on canvas, museum quality
Our high quality oil painting replicas are hand-painted on the best canvas with top-quality pigments. Oil painting reproductions are used for interior design to embelish your home, or your place of business.
Our reproductions are of the highest quality available on the market, and are a real tribute to the original artist. Only senior artists with more than 20 years of experience are working on your painting, top-of-the-line paint and canvases are used. Try the difference; you'll never order anywhere else after that. For the discerning art connoisseur, 100 percent satisfaction is guaranteed.
Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis Breton was one of the first artists to focus on the countryside and the people who lived there. He did this to show the beauty and dignity of country life. Even though his favorite subjects—gleaners, harvesters, and communicators—were common in realistic paintings and illustrations of genre types during this time, Breton's pictures of them are done in a style that is usually held for classical figures. In his autobiography Un Peintre Paysan, published in 1896, Jules Breton wrote about the time when he started to develop his mature style. He said, "I was no longer thinking of anything but the grand style. I was thinking if the rustic style could point me in the right direction." This "grand style," which the artist aimed for and used in his iconic pictures of peasants, grew out of the academic tradition and was mixed with realist ideas to make something new.
Breton's works seem both specific and general, modern and timeless because they have realistic details and a poetic sense. One critic said it best: "He is an idealist, but he is an idealist who depends on reality the most." Some critics thought that Breton's paintings only appealed to bourgeois tastes and official recognition because of this idealized view of rural life. However, more recent research has shown that his masterful combination of real and ideal is a great example of the complexity of nineteenth-century Realism.