Paolo gallery painting reproductions

ARTISTE oil painting reproductions hand-painted on canvas

We give special attention to your paintings on canvas to make sure it will be exceptional. Our beautiful reproductions of Gustav Klimt artworks are of the best quality money can buy, and are works of art that you will be able to keep for ages to come.

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Buy an hand-painted oil painting reproduction of Gustav Klimt's artwork

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Buy Gustav Klint superb reproductions hand-painted on canvas with oil painting, rivaling with the master quality. Gold leaf paintings.

What we like about Klimt paintings

We favor the paintings he did during his gold period. The Kiss and Adele are magnificent creations that will embellish any home. We are painting them using real gold leaves, as Klimt did, thus creating a wonderful artwork.

As colors goes, I am very enthuse by deep colored Klimt paintings like Virgins, with its Bordeaux background.


About Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918), Austrian.

Klimt first became famous as a decorative painter of historical scenes and figures who was hired to decorate public buildings. He kept working on improving the decorative parts of his paintings until the flattened, shimmering patterns of what are now called his "Golden Phase" works became the real subjects of his paintings.

Even though Klimt was a "fine art" painter, he was a great example of how the fine arts and decorative arts are both important. Some of his early success came from painting within a larger architectural framework. Many of his most famous commissions were designed to go with other parts of an interior, making a "total work of art," or "Gesamtkunstwerk" (total work of art). Later in his career, he worked with artists from the Wiener Werkstatte, an Austrian design group that wanted to improve the quality and look of everyday objects.

Klimt was one of the most important people who started the Vienna Secession in 1897, and he was also the group's first president. He was chosen less for his finished work, which was small at the time, and more for his youth and willingness to question authority. He was the most famous Art Nouveau painter in the world, and his forcefulness and fame helped the Secession get off to a good start. However, when he left the movement in 1905, it quickly lost popularity.

Klimt's art is now well-known, but for most of the 20th century, it was ignored. His works for public spaces got a lot of backlash in his own time, and Klimt was even accused of obscenity because they had sexual themes. This made Klimt stop taking government commissions altogether. His drawings are just as sexually suggestive and show how much he wants to be with women.

Even though he was famous and helped young artists like Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka, he had almost no direct followers, and his work has always been seen as very personal and unique, even to this day. But his paintings have a lot in common with the Expressionist and Surrealist art of the 1920s and 1930s, even though many of those artists may not have known Klimt's work.

One quick anecdote about Klimt. Gustav Klimt was not without eccentricities. Friederika Maria Beer-Monti, a wealthy patron of Klimt's, once came to his studio to have her portrait painted. She was wearing a flashy polecat jacket that Klimt's friends at the Wiener Werkstatte had made. One would think Klimt would like it, but he asked her to turn it inside out to show the red silk lining, and then he painted her that way. Klimt, who at the time was Vienna's most renowned artist, had the status to do this.

He is still known as one of the best decorative painters of the 20th century. He also made one of the most important bodies of erotic art from that time. At first, he was successful at getting academically based architectural commissions. However, when he saw more modern art trends in Europe, he was inspired to create his own unique, eclectic, and often fantastic style.

As one of the people who started the Vienna Secession and its first president, Klimt also made sure that it would have a big impact. Klimt never tried to start a scandal, but the highly controversial subjects of his work in an area of art that has always been very conservative hurt his career. Even though he never got married, Klimt had a number of mistresses with whom he is said to have had 14 children. He was very private about his personal life.