Buy Pablo Picasso superb reproductions hand-painted on canvas with oil painting, rivaling with the master quality. Choose between hundreds of artwork.
We give special attention to your paintings on canvas to make sure it will be exceptional. Our beautiful reproductions of Pablo PIcasso artworks are of the best quality money can buy, and are works of art that you will be able to keep for ages to come.
Our philosophy is to focus on a strict follow-up of the art processing to ensure your satisfaction. We aim to increase our customer base and maintain customer loyalty through confidence in our products and a continued high quality of service.
Our high quality oil painting replicas are hand-painted on the best canvas with top-quality pigments. Oil painting reproductions are used for interior design to embelish your home, or your place of business.
Our reproductions are of the highest quality available on the market, and are a real tribute to the original artist. Only senior artists with more than 20 years of experience are working on your painting, top-of-the-line paint and canvases are used. Try the difference; you'll never order anywhere else after that. For the discerning art connoisseur, 100 percent satisfaction is guaranteed.
Picasso was always trying to find his place in history, and some of his best works, like Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), refer to many past examples while also turning them on their heads. As he got older, he only became more aware of making sure his impact would last. His later work is a direct conversation with Old Masters like Ingres, Velazquez, Goya, and Rembrandt.
Even though Surrealism didn't entirely change his work, it did inspire the soft shapes and tender eroticism of his portraits of his lover Marie-Therese Walter, as well as the sharp angles of Guernica (1937), the most famous anti-war painting of the 20th century.
Picasso was interested in many different styles. At any given time, his work was usually dominated by one style, but he often switched between styles, sometimes even in the same piece.
Picasso's interest in cubism eventually led him to create collage. He stopped thinking of a picture as a window into the world and started to see it as a collection of signs that used different, sometimes metaphorical ways to refer to things in the world. Also, this would be very important for decades to come.
The artists Paul Cézanne and Henri Rousseau, as well as archaic and tribal art, all influenced Picasso to give his figures more structure. This led him to Cubism, in which he broke down the rules of perspective that had been used in painting since the Renaissance. These new ideas would have a big impact on almost all of modern art, changing the way people thought about drawing shapes in space.
In the first part of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was the most famous and influential artist. Along with Georges Braque, he is best known for being a pioneer of Cubism. He also invented collage and made important contributions to Symbolism and Surrealism. He thought of himself as a painter first and foremost, but his sculpting was significant, and he also tried out printmaking and ceramics. Lastly, he was known for having a very charming personality. His many relationships with women not only influenced his art but may have also led it in a certain direction. His behavior has come to represent that of a Bohemian modern artist in the public's mind.